Omg I got Caught Red Handed punching Adi . LOL. i think it might hurts.

Me & lai xing. You bloody ass. how can you point that middle finger.

Joey What You DOING! THROW THE Bowling Ball!
Group Photo! (: [From Left] Hanxiang , chu yang , hui hui , me , joey , zikang , yuan jie , adi
Me , Adi , Lai xing
[From Left] Zi kang , Hanxiang , me , Chu yang , Adi , Joey , hui hui , yuan jie
Class Small Outing . 18 may 09 !

Class Small Outing . 18 may 09 !
Went To E!hub to remake my class Tee
After that went down to play bowling.. quite boring though.
Missing someone all the way. Quite Worried about what might happen to her.
Lucky things goes fine now (:
Homed around 7.
Reached Bedok around 8 .
And Home Sweet Home!
IMY (: