Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hope Your Heart will Melt the hate between us sooner or later.
Why Does Hottest care . have the Coldest End... Can anyone tell me... Care for someone is it so hard?? Care for the girl i like. Care for a Gan mei . Care for a Friend. is it so hard... Why must it be so complicated. I know i aint Perfect. But i am trying to change to the way u all wanted it to be isnt it... Why must The world tear me apart... I am lost in all Direction. What should i do. what can i do ? i dont wish that i nag so much too. i just want to be myself. i don't know why i care so much for people ? And My Friend always say . i am a person who is lack of care and love.. i Agreed with them... Why Is the World so unfair to my family ? 3 Years of miserable Life. i Had enough.. I just want to cherish my friends my Gans. is it so hard ??!!